WebGPU Headers
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Utility Types
 ObjectsOpaque, non-dispatchable handles to WebGPU objects
 BitflagsType and constant definitions for bitflag types
 CallbacksCallbacks through which asynchronous functions return
 Chained StructuresStructures used to extend descriptors
 StructuresDescriptors and other transparent structures
 Callback Info StructsCallback info structures that are used in asynchronous functions
 Global FunctionsFunctions that are not specific to an object
 MethodsFunctions that are relative to a specific object
 WGPUAdapter methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUAdapter
 WGPUAdapterInfo methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUAdapterInfo
 WGPUBindGroup methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUBindGroup
 WGPUBindGroupLayout methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUBindGroupLayout
 WGPUBuffer methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUBuffer
 WGPUCommandBuffer methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUCommandBuffer
 WGPUCommandEncoder methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUCommandEncoder
 WGPUComputePassEncoder methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUComputePassEncoder
 WGPUComputePipeline methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUComputePipeline
 WGPUDevice methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUDevice
 WGPUInstance methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUInstance
 WGPUPipelineLayout methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUPipelineLayout
 WGPUQuerySet methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUQuerySet
 WGPUQueue methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUQueue
 WGPURenderBundle methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPURenderBundle
 WGPURenderBundleEncoder methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPURenderBundleEncoder
 WGPURenderPassEncoder methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPURenderPassEncoder
 WGPURenderPipeline methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPURenderPipeline
 WGPUSampler methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUSampler
 WGPUShaderModule methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUShaderModule
 WGPUSupportedFeatures methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUSupportedFeatures
 WGPUSupportedWGSLLanguageFeatures methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUSupportedWGSLLanguageFeatures
 WGPUSurface methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUSurface
 WGPUSurfaceCapabilities methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUSurfaceCapabilities
 WGPUTexture methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUTexture
 WGPUTextureView methodsFunctions whose first argument has type WGPUTextureView