Enums. More...
typedef enum WGPUAdapterType WGPUAdapterType |
typedef enum WGPUAddressMode WGPUAddressMode |
typedef enum WGPUBackendType WGPUBackendType |
typedef enum WGPUBlendFactor WGPUBlendFactor |
typedef enum WGPUBlendOperation WGPUBlendOperation |
typedef enum WGPUBufferBindingType WGPUBufferBindingType |
typedef enum WGPUBufferMapState WGPUBufferMapState |
typedef enum WGPUCallbackMode WGPUCallbackMode |
The callback mode controls how a callback for an asynchronous operation may be fired. See Asynchronous Operations for how these are used.
typedef enum WGPUCompareFunction WGPUCompareFunction |
typedef enum WGPUCompilationMessageType WGPUCompilationMessageType |
typedef enum WGPUCompositeAlphaMode WGPUCompositeAlphaMode |
Describes how frames are composited with other contents on the screen when wgpuSurfacePresent is called.
typedef enum WGPUCullMode WGPUCullMode |
typedef enum WGPUDeviceLostReason WGPUDeviceLostReason |
typedef enum WGPUErrorFilter WGPUErrorFilter |
typedef enum WGPUErrorType WGPUErrorType |
typedef enum WGPUFeatureLevel WGPUFeatureLevel |
typedef enum WGPUFeatureName WGPUFeatureName |
typedef enum WGPUFilterMode WGPUFilterMode |
typedef enum WGPUFrontFace WGPUFrontFace |
typedef enum WGPUIndexFormat WGPUIndexFormat |
typedef enum WGPULoadOp WGPULoadOp |
typedef enum WGPUMapAsyncStatus WGPUMapAsyncStatus |
typedef enum WGPUMipmapFilterMode WGPUMipmapFilterMode |
typedef enum WGPUOptionalBool WGPUOptionalBool |
typedef enum WGPUPopErrorScopeStatus WGPUPopErrorScopeStatus |
typedef enum WGPUPowerPreference WGPUPowerPreference |
typedef enum WGPUPredefinedColorSpace WGPUPredefinedColorSpace |
typedef enum WGPUPresentMode WGPUPresentMode |
Describes when and in which order frames are presented on the screen when wgpuSurfacePresent is called.
typedef enum WGPUPrimitiveTopology WGPUPrimitiveTopology |
typedef enum WGPUQueryType WGPUQueryType |
typedef enum WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus |
typedef enum WGPURequestAdapterStatus WGPURequestAdapterStatus |
typedef enum WGPURequestDeviceStatus WGPURequestDeviceStatus |
typedef enum WGPUSamplerBindingType WGPUSamplerBindingType |
typedef enum WGPUStatus WGPUStatus |
Status code returned (synchronously) from many operations. Generally indicates an invalid input like an unknown enum value or Out-Struct-Chain Error. Read the function's documentation for specific error conditions.
typedef enum WGPUStencilOperation WGPUStencilOperation |
typedef enum WGPUStorageTextureAccess WGPUStorageTextureAccess |
typedef enum WGPUStoreOp WGPUStoreOp |
The status enum for wgpuSurfaceGetCurrentTexture.
typedef enum WGPUTextureAspect WGPUTextureAspect |
typedef enum WGPUTextureDimension WGPUTextureDimension |
typedef enum WGPUTextureFormat WGPUTextureFormat |
typedef enum WGPUTextureSampleType WGPUTextureSampleType |
typedef enum WGPUTextureViewDimension WGPUTextureViewDimension |
typedef enum WGPUToneMappingMode WGPUToneMappingMode |
typedef enum WGPUVertexFormat WGPUVertexFormat |
typedef enum WGPUVertexStepMode WGPUVertexStepMode |
typedef enum WGPUWGSLLanguageFeatureName WGPUWGSLLanguageFeatureName |
typedef enum WGPUWaitStatus WGPUWaitStatus |
Status returned from a call to wgpuInstanceWaitAny.
enum WGPUAdapterType |
enum WGPUAddressMode |
Enumerator | |
WGPUAddressMode_Undefined |
WGPUAddressMode_ClampToEdge | |
WGPUAddressMode_Repeat | |
WGPUAddressMode_MirrorRepeat | |
WGPUAddressMode_Force32 |
enum WGPUBackendType |
Enumerator | |
WGPUBackendType_Undefined |
WGPUBackendType_Null | |
WGPUBackendType_WebGPU | |
WGPUBackendType_D3D11 | |
WGPUBackendType_D3D12 | |
WGPUBackendType_Metal | |
WGPUBackendType_Vulkan | |
WGPUBackendType_OpenGL | |
WGPUBackendType_OpenGLES | |
WGPUBackendType_Force32 |
enum WGPUBlendFactor |
Enumerator | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Undefined |
WGPUBlendFactor_Zero | |
WGPUBlendFactor_One | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Src | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusSrc | |
WGPUBlendFactor_SrcAlpha | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusSrcAlpha | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Dst | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusDst | |
WGPUBlendFactor_DstAlpha | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusDstAlpha | |
WGPUBlendFactor_SrcAlphaSaturated | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Constant | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusConstant | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Src1 | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusSrc1 | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Src1Alpha | |
WGPUBlendFactor_OneMinusSrc1Alpha | |
WGPUBlendFactor_Force32 |
enum WGPUBlendOperation |
Enumerator | |
WGPUBlendOperation_Undefined |
WGPUBlendOperation_Add | |
WGPUBlendOperation_Subtract | |
WGPUBlendOperation_ReverseSubtract | |
WGPUBlendOperation_Min | |
WGPUBlendOperation_Max | |
WGPUBlendOperation_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPUBufferBindingType_BindingNotUsed |
WGPUBufferBindingType_Undefined |
WGPUBufferBindingType_Uniform | |
WGPUBufferBindingType_Storage | |
WGPUBufferBindingType_ReadOnlyStorage | |
WGPUBufferBindingType_Force32 |
enum WGPUBufferMapState |
enum WGPUCallbackMode |
The callback mode controls how a callback for an asynchronous operation may be fired. See Asynchronous Operations for how these are used.
Enumerator | |
WGPUCallbackMode_WaitAnyOnly | Callbacks created with
WGPUCallbackMode_AllowProcessEvents | Callbacks created with
WGPUCallbackMode_AllowSpontaneous | Callbacks created with
WGPUCallbackMode_Force32 |
enum WGPUCompareFunction |
Enumerator | |
WGPUCompareFunction_Undefined |
WGPUCompareFunction_Never | |
WGPUCompareFunction_Less | |
WGPUCompareFunction_Equal | |
WGPUCompareFunction_LessEqual | |
WGPUCompareFunction_Greater | |
WGPUCompareFunction_NotEqual | |
WGPUCompareFunction_GreaterEqual | |
WGPUCompareFunction_Always | |
WGPUCompareFunction_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPUCompilationInfoRequestStatus_Success | |
WGPUCompilationInfoRequestStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPUCompilationInfoRequestStatus_Force32 |
Describes how frames are composited with other contents on the screen when wgpuSurfacePresent is called.
Enumerator | |
WGPUCompositeAlphaMode_Auto |
WGPUCompositeAlphaMode_Opaque | The alpha component of the image is ignored and teated as if it is always 1.0. |
WGPUCompositeAlphaMode_Premultiplied | The alpha component is respected and non-alpha components are assumed to be already multiplied with the alpha component. For example, (0.5, 0, 0, 0.5) is semi-transparent bright red. |
WGPUCompositeAlphaMode_Unpremultiplied | The alpha component is respected and non-alpha components are assumed to NOT be already multiplied with the alpha component. For example, (1.0, 0, 0, 0.5) is semi-transparent bright red. |
WGPUCompositeAlphaMode_Inherit | The handling of the alpha component is unknown to WebGPU and should be handled by the application using system-specific APIs. This mode may be unavailable (for example on Wasm). |
WGPUCompositeAlphaMode_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success | |
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_ValidationError | |
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_InternalError | |
WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Force32 |
enum WGPUCullMode |
Enumerator | |
WGPUCullMode_Undefined |
WGPUCullMode_None | |
WGPUCullMode_Front | |
WGPUCullMode_Back | |
WGPUCullMode_Force32 |
enum WGPUDeviceLostReason |
Enumerator | |
WGPUDeviceLostReason_Unknown | |
WGPUDeviceLostReason_Destroyed | |
WGPUDeviceLostReason_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPUDeviceLostReason_FailedCreation | |
WGPUDeviceLostReason_Force32 |
enum WGPUErrorFilter |
enum WGPUErrorType |
enum WGPUFeatureLevel |
See WGPURequestAdapterOptions::featureLevel.
Enumerator | |
WGPUFeatureLevel_Undefined |
WGPUFeatureLevel_Compatibility | "Compatibility" profile which can be supported on OpenGL ES 3.1 and D3D11. |
WGPUFeatureLevel_Core | "Core" profile which can be supported on Vulkan/Metal/D3D12 (at least). |
WGPUFeatureLevel_Force32 |
enum WGPUFeatureName |
enum WGPUFilterMode |
Enumerator | |
WGPUFilterMode_Undefined |
WGPUFilterMode_Nearest | |
WGPUFilterMode_Linear | |
WGPUFilterMode_Force32 |
enum WGPUFrontFace |
Enumerator | |
WGPUFrontFace_Undefined |
WGPUFrontFace_CCW | |
WGPUFrontFace_CW | |
WGPUFrontFace_Force32 |
enum WGPUIndexFormat |
Enumerator | |
WGPUIndexFormat_Undefined |
WGPUIndexFormat_Uint16 | |
WGPUIndexFormat_Uint32 | |
WGPUIndexFormat_Force32 |
enum WGPULoadOp |
Enumerator | |
WGPULoadOp_Undefined |
WGPULoadOp_Load | |
WGPULoadOp_Clear | |
WGPULoadOp_Force32 |
enum WGPUMapAsyncStatus |
Enumerator | |
WGPUMapAsyncStatus_Success | |
WGPUMapAsyncStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPUMapAsyncStatus_Error | |
WGPUMapAsyncStatus_Aborted | |
WGPUMapAsyncStatus_Force32 |
enum WGPUMipmapFilterMode |
Enumerator | |
WGPUMipmapFilterMode_Undefined |
WGPUMipmapFilterMode_Nearest | |
WGPUMipmapFilterMode_Linear | |
WGPUMipmapFilterMode_Force32 |
enum WGPUOptionalBool |
Enumerator | |
WGPUPopErrorScopeStatus_Success | The error scope stack was successfully popped and a result was reported. |
WGPUPopErrorScopeStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPUPopErrorScopeStatus_Error | The error scope stack could not be popped, because it was empty. |
WGPUPopErrorScopeStatus_Force32 |
enum WGPUPowerPreference |
Enumerator | |
WGPUPowerPreference_Undefined |
WGPUPowerPreference_LowPower | |
WGPUPowerPreference_HighPerformance | |
WGPUPowerPreference_Force32 |
enum WGPUPresentMode |
Describes when and in which order frames are presented on the screen when wgpuSurfacePresent is called.
Enumerator | |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_Undefined |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_PointList | |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_LineList | |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_LineStrip | |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_TriangleList | |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_TriangleStrip | |
WGPUPrimitiveTopology_Force32 |
enum WGPUQueryType |
Enumerator | |
WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus_Success | |
WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus_Error | There was some deterministic error. (Note this is currently never used, but it will be relevant when it's possible to create a queue object.) |
WGPUQueueWorkDoneStatus_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPURequestAdapterStatus_Success | |
WGPURequestAdapterStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPURequestAdapterStatus_Unavailable | |
WGPURequestAdapterStatus_Error | |
WGPURequestAdapterStatus_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Success | |
WGPURequestDeviceStatus_CallbackCancelled | See Callback Statuses. |
WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Error | |
WGPURequestDeviceStatus_Force32 |
enum WGPUSType |
Enumerator | |
WGPUSamplerBindingType_BindingNotUsed |
WGPUSamplerBindingType_Undefined |
WGPUSamplerBindingType_Filtering | |
WGPUSamplerBindingType_NonFiltering | |
WGPUSamplerBindingType_Comparison | |
WGPUSamplerBindingType_Force32 |
enum WGPUStatus |
Status code returned (synchronously) from many operations. Generally indicates an invalid input like an unknown enum value or Out-Struct-Chain Error. Read the function's documentation for specific error conditions.
Enumerator | |
WGPUStatus_Success | |
WGPUStatus_Error | |
WGPUStatus_Force32 |
enum WGPUStencilOperation |
Enumerator | |
WGPUStencilOperation_Undefined |
WGPUStencilOperation_Keep | |
WGPUStencilOperation_Zero | |
WGPUStencilOperation_Replace | |
WGPUStencilOperation_Invert | |
WGPUStencilOperation_IncrementClamp | |
WGPUStencilOperation_DecrementClamp | |
WGPUStencilOperation_IncrementWrap | |
WGPUStencilOperation_DecrementWrap | |
WGPUStencilOperation_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPUStorageTextureAccess_BindingNotUsed |
WGPUStorageTextureAccess_Undefined |
WGPUStorageTextureAccess_WriteOnly | |
WGPUStorageTextureAccess_ReadOnly | |
WGPUStorageTextureAccess_ReadWrite | |
WGPUStorageTextureAccess_Force32 |
enum WGPUStoreOp |
Enumerator | |
WGPUStoreOp_Undefined |
WGPUStoreOp_Store | |
WGPUStoreOp_Discard | |
WGPUStoreOp_Force32 |
The status enum for wgpuSurfaceGetCurrentTexture.
Enumerator | |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_SuccessOptimal | Yay! Everything is good and we can render this frame. |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_SuccessSuboptimal | Still OK - the surface can present the frame, but in a suboptimal way. The surface may need reconfiguration. |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_Timeout | Some operation timed out while trying to acquire the frame. |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_Outdated | The surface is too different to be used, compared to when it was originally created. |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_Lost | The connection to whatever owns the surface was lost, or generally needs to be fully reinitialized. |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_Error | There was some deterministic error (for example, the surface is not configured, or there was an Out-Struct-Chain Error). Should produce Implementation-Defined Logging containing details. |
WGPUSurfaceGetCurrentTextureStatus_Force32 |
enum WGPUTextureAspect |
Enumerator | |
WGPUTextureAspect_Undefined |
WGPUTextureAspect_All | |
WGPUTextureAspect_StencilOnly | |
WGPUTextureAspect_DepthOnly | |
WGPUTextureAspect_Force32 |
enum WGPUTextureDimension |
Enumerator | |
WGPUTextureDimension_Undefined |
WGPUTextureDimension_1D | |
WGPUTextureDimension_2D | |
WGPUTextureDimension_3D | |
WGPUTextureDimension_Force32 |
enum WGPUTextureFormat |
Enumerator | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Undefined |
WGPUTextureFormat_R8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R8Snorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R8Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R8Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R16Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R16Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R16Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG8Snorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG8Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG8Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R32Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R32Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_R32Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG16Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG16Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG16Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA8UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA8Snorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA8Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA8Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BGRA8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BGRA8UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGB10A2Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGB10A2Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG11B10Ufloat | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGB9E5Ufloat | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG32Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG32Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RG32Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA16Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA16Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA16Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA32Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA32Uint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_RGBA32Sint | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Stencil8 | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Depth16Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Depth24Plus | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Depth24PlusStencil8 | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Depth32Float | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Depth32FloatStencil8 | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC1RGBAUnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC1RGBAUnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC2RGBAUnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC2RGBAUnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC3RGBAUnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC3RGBAUnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC4RUnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC4RSnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC5RGUnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC5RGSnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC6HRGBUfloat | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC6HRGBFloat | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC7RGBAUnorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_BC7RGBAUnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ETC2RGB8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ETC2RGB8UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ETC2RGB8A1Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ETC2RGB8A1UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ETC2RGBA8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ETC2RGBA8UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_EACR11Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_EACR11Snorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_EACRG11Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_EACRG11Snorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC4x4Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC4x4UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC5x4Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC5x4UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC5x5Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC5x5UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC6x5Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC6x5UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC6x6Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC6x6UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC8x5Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC8x5UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC8x6Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC8x6UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC8x8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC8x8UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x5Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x5UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x6Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x6UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x8Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x8UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x10Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC10x10UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC12x10Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC12x10UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC12x12Unorm | |
WGPUTextureFormat_ASTC12x12UnormSrgb | |
WGPUTextureFormat_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPUTextureSampleType_BindingNotUsed |
WGPUTextureSampleType_Undefined |
WGPUTextureSampleType_Float | |
WGPUTextureSampleType_UnfilterableFloat | |
WGPUTextureSampleType_Depth | |
WGPUTextureSampleType_Sint | |
WGPUTextureSampleType_Uint | |
WGPUTextureSampleType_Force32 |
Enumerator | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_Undefined |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_1D | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_2D | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_2DArray | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_Cube | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_CubeArray | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_3D | |
WGPUTextureViewDimension_Force32 |
enum WGPUToneMappingMode |
enum WGPUVertexFormat |
enum WGPUVertexStepMode |
Enumerator | |
WGPUVertexStepMode_Undefined |
WGPUVertexStepMode_Vertex | |
WGPUVertexStepMode_Instance | |
WGPUVertexStepMode_Force32 |
enum WGPUWaitStatus |
Status returned from a call to wgpuInstanceWaitAny.
Enumerator | |
WGPUWaitStatus_Success | At least one WGPUFuture completed successfully. |
WGPUWaitStatus_TimedOut | The wait operation succeeded, but no WGPUFutures completed within the timeout. |
WGPUWaitStatus_Error | The call was invalid for some reason (see wgpuInstanceWaitAny). Should produce Implementation-Defined Logging containing details. |
WGPUWaitStatus_Force32 |